Tutorial: How to Produce Broadcast-Quality Events with the NewTek TriCaster 40, Part 2
In the final installment of our two-part series on how to create broadcast-quality live productions with the NewTek TriCaster TC40, Jan Ozer demonstrates how to mix and stream your show.
Jan Ozer
Posted on September 30, 2013
Imposing Titles and Graphics
Back to the background layer (BKGD) mentioned earlier. It contains the inputs configured over on the left side of the interface in the rows shown in Figure 2. On top of these layers, you have 3 downstream keys (DSK 1 and DSK 2 are shown in Figure 7, below), which you can use to superimpose any of the 14 inputs over the background videos.

Figure 7. Two of your three downstream keys (DSKs), which you can superimpose over the videos with titles and graphics.
For example, Graphics Input 2 has the lower-third title. I can insert that over the full-screen video by choosing Graphics Input 2 in DSK 1 and clicking Take or Auto (Figure 8, below). I can choose the transition and transition duration for that tile with these controls. To remove the title, I just click Take or Auto again.

Figure 8. Adding the lower-thirds via Graphics Input 2.
I can also load a separate overlay in DSK 2, but I don’t need that for this video. The third downstream key is FTB (Fade to Black), which I access just to the right of the T-bar, as shown in Figure 9 (below), at the end of the show.

Figure 9. Fading to black at the end of the show.
Choosing Your Streaming Targets
Now we know all the production basics. Let’s set up our streaming target. You can transmit via the connection types shown in Figure 10 (below), to any of the preconfigured targets shown in Figure 11 (below Figure 10), or you can configure your own target.

Figure 10. Connection type options.

Figure 11. Preconfigured streaming target options.
You can also record a stream to disk using any of the inputs shown in Figure 12 (below).

Figure 12. Options for recording a stream to disk.
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