9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Microsoft's Next-Generation Rich Media Platform
Rich media on the Web has become a key component in the way consumers and business users process information and is a new driver for revenues for online businesses. The keynote describes how Microsoftís application platform provides infrastructure and tools for effective Web delivery of rich content that includes audio and video. It will also discuss how rich media experiences drive user satisfaction and create new business opportunities.
Sean Alexander, Director, Video Platform, Server and Tools Division, Microsoft
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibit Hall
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
A101: Delivering on the Three Screen Video Experience
sponsored by
Digital entertainment offers the opportunity to engage consumers on a
multitude of devices, creating new opportunities to market, sell, boost
ratings and increase customer loyalty. Speed to market and the quality
of the service delivered often define success. This session will
discuss how content creators can best prepare today to take advantage
of the opportunities created by the rapid growth of new media
audiences. Learn which business models are most likely to work and why
a cross-platform approach to the business of new media is essential.
Moderator: Stephen Condon, Founder, Roogle Marketing Speaker: Mike Gordon, Chief Strategy Officer, Limelight Networks Speaker: Ross Angert, Group Creative Director, WWE Speaker: Steve Wax, Co-Founder, Partner, Campfire Speaker: Mike Hudack, CEO, blip.tv
B101: Performance Metrics for Online Video Advertising
Beyond impressions, what other criteria will publishers be held accountable
for as video advertising matures? In addition to its ability to measure lift in
awareness and other brand metrics, video advertising must also drive performance
by its ability to generate leads and sales. Pre-roll vs. post-roll, ideal
commercial length, and ad formats (interactive components, companion banners,
etc.) are just a few of the applications that must still be studied for their
relative effectiveness in driving performance for both brand and direct response
advertisers. Learn how the further exploration of targeting with video is also
necessary, including by the nature of the content (contextual/keyword), the
audience profile (demographic/psychographic) and the ability to predict future
performance based on past behavior (behavioral).
Moderator: Kate Kaye, Editor, News and Special Projects, ClickZ Speaker: Christine Peterson, Associate Media Director, Carat Fusion Speaker: John Ellis, VP, Product Management, ValueClick Speaker: Mort Greenberg, VP of Sales, Metacafe Speaker: Rob Aitken, Product Manager, Online Video, Associated Press
C101: HOW TO: Evaluating and Selecting a Content Management Vendor
Finding the right vendor solution for your content management need not be a
hassle with a little homework. This session will formulate sample requirements
for your video content management needs that lead to an RFI or RFP. Along the
way, the session will uncover some bundled extras that you may or may not want
from a vendor and address some common vendor responses to an RFI that will help
you navigate the services and manage your video workflow.
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
A102: Unique Challenges to Enterprise Streaming
sponsored by
Today, more than 90% of Fortune 1000 companies use some form of live or
on-demand streaming technology. Enterprise streaming is proving its
value as a powerful, convenient, and affordable way to broaden learning
opportunities, improve communications, and increase productivity. While
the media highlights consumer-streaming applications, streaming in the
enterprise is where the serious adoption began and where the business
value is tangible. This session explores strategies that are important
to streaming in the corporate environment.
B102: Is P2P The Answer To Large Scale Video Delivery?
With the recent offerings by BitTorrent, VeriSign, Joost and others, is legal
P2P finally ready for primetime? This panel of content owners and technology
experts will discuss whether P2P will finally revolutionize online video
distribution. They will discuss whether the cost savings advantage with P2P is
real, how P2P will translate into a competitive advantage, how P2P distribution
may affect the networks and CDNs and what some of the potential problems are
that P2P technology may face from the telco's. Come hear the debate on whether
P2P is the answer to the fundamental capacity limitations for large-scale video
audiences for today's Internet.
Moderator: Richard Mavrogeanes, Founder, VBrick Systems Speaker: Brian Taptich, VP, Business Development, BitTorrent, Inc. Speaker: Christopher Levy, CEO & Co-Founder, BuyDRM Speaker: Monty Mullig, SVP, Internet Technologies, Turner Broadcasting Speaker: Nick Rockwell, CTO, MTV Networks
C102: HOW TO: Costs for Outsourced Hosting And Video Delivery
Whether your an organization that needs to deliver lots of video or are a
smaller company that needs to deliver only a few videos, the going rate for
these services can still be hard to figure out. What variables determine the
final price? What is the going rate when you outsource encoding, delivery, and
storage to a third party? This presentation will cover real pricing numbers from
both large, globally focused content delivery networks as well as smaller
regional service providers. Hear what the going rate is today for video delivery
and learn what you should really be paying for these services.
Speaker: Dan Rayburn, Streaming Media Magazine's European Edition
12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Lunch Break - Visit the Exhibit Hall
1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
A103: Consumer-Generated Video Sites
sponsored by
Consumer-generated video was a big story in 2006 and continues to be so in 2007.
From the largest media companies to garage-bound startups, it seems that
everyone is incorporating user-generated content and community into their
business plans. But questions still remain: Will business models emerge to drive
profitability? Will marketers embrace this new type of media? Is UGC all a
bubble waiting to burst? Hear how these sites are tackling these questions while
looking for ways to differentiate themselves in a crowded space. Tap into what's
next on the horizon for sharing video content and new innovations in social
media. Find out about the positives and negatives surrounding copyright issues
and content ownership. Hear from this panel about business models and potential
revenue streams related to user-generated video communities.
Moderator: Raghav Gupta, VP, Business Development, EMEA, Brightcove Speaker: Bambi Francisco, Founder & CEO, Vator.tv Speaker: Brian Kalinowski, COO, Lycos Speaker: Daniel Blackman, Strategic Partner Development Manager, Google Cloud Speaker: Dmitry Shapiro, Founder, Chief Innovative Officer, Veoh Networks Speaker: James McQuivey, VP, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research
B103: The Real ROI for Podcasting
Podcasting has emerged from the realm of garage-bound hobbyists into the
corporate arena to great success for both B2B and B2C applications. Major
players such as IBM, GE, and Whirlpool use both internal and external podcasts
to communicate directly with their audience via this immediate and intimate
medium. The ROI for these initiatives is specific and plentiful: sales leads via
audio collateral available 24/7, money saved instead of producing written
materials, and the promotion of trust with your audience by providing programs
that deliver value-added information when and where consumers want. Discover why
blogs are an essential component of your corporate podcast strategy to build an
interactive community versus a monologue, how the move to mobile means your
audio content can/should be available via phones/PDAs, and how tools such as
audio press releases, audio white papers, and audio case studies allow you to
capture the "earlids" of a generation inundated and weary of visual stimuli.
Moderator: John Havens, Guide to Podcasing, About.com Speaker: Bill Swersey, Director of Digital Media, WNYC, New York Public Radio Speaker: Gregory Galant, CEO, RadioTail Speaker: Jason Van Orden, Author, Promoting Your Podcast Speaker: Reena Jana, Innovation and Design Writer, BusinessWeek.com
C103: HOW TO: Flash Video Crash Course
sponsored by
This is for video professionals and developers who may be relatively new to
Flash, or just getting into Flash video projects. Come get a solid overview of
what's possible and the best approach to get started. The creation of a simple
video player, progressive and streaming options, and source video optimization
techniques will be covered. Attendees will walk away with the knowledge they
need to confidently deploy simple, professional Flash video applications on the
2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
A104: Digital Media Patents for Profit
In the past year, the near-ubiquitous debate over patent trolls has evolved
significantly. No longer focused primarily on the relative evils—or merits—of
these patent holding companies, technology executives across all sectors have
turned their attention to the business and legal strategies with which to
confront the challenges that trolls present. In this discussion, you will learn
how the growth of patent holding companies such as Acacia has made it necessary
for target companies large and small to reexamine how their digital media
projects are managed. You will also hear about the technical, economic, and
legal implications associated with various strategic options and pragmatic
suggestions tailored to corporate executives and patent holders, as well as
in-house and outside counsel.
B104: From the Web to Your TV: New Media Delivery Revolution
sponsored by
AppleTV, TiVo, Slingbox, and a host of other hardware and software products are
starting to deliver new media content from the Web to TVs. Learn what latest
devices are being used to deliver consumer content and find out how content
creators big and small are utilizing these new tools. Also discussed will be how
online content is being treated differently from traditional broadcast content
and what potential business models are being created for the monetization of
consumer content.
Moderator: Jose Castillo, President, Flavor, Inc. Speaker: Bijan Sabet, General Partner, Spark Capital Speaker: Ed Lee, VP, Content Acquisition, Roku Speaker: Fred McIntyre, SVP, AOL Video, America Online Speaker: Tara Maitra, SVP, GM, Content and Media Sales, TiVo
C104: HOW TO: Choosing and Comparing Webcasting Hardware
This presentation will help you choose the best-of-breed equipment for
Webcasting and will provide you with a road map detailing the hardware needed to
be successful. From hardware required for least expensive and bare-bones
Webcasting to the hardware requirements for more advanced Webcasts involving
multiple input feeds, PowerPoint slides and preprocessing, attendees will have a
clear idea of what is needed to budget for when they go back to their
organization. Attendees will also leave with a link to an Excel sheet that will
contain a list of the hardware, its purpose/justification, approximate costs,
and sourcing, as well as the PowerPoint and Visio diagrams of how it all works
Speaker: Nico McLane, Director of Interactive Media, Imagine 360 Marketing
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
A105: Making the Case for Streaming Media in Higher Education
sponsored by
Online video is becoming increasingly prevalent in higher education, but outside
of distance education, adoption can be spotty. One speed bump is the lack of
administrative, institutional, and faculty support. Too often administration
lumps streaming media in with unrelated IT areas or perceives the cost to
outweigh benefit. In this session, experienced media professionals in higher
education will share tips for getting buy-in from administrators and faculty.
Moderator: Paul Riismandel, Director of Curriculum Support, School of Communication, Northwestern University Speaker: Andy Covell, Executive Director of Information Technology, School of Information Studies at Syracuse University Speaker: John Morris, CTO, Director of Operations, Drexel University, College of Computing a Speaker: Paul O'Brien, CIO, Indian River Community College Speaker: Srinivas Varadarajan, Information Security Analyst, Lamar University
B105: Redesign Your Streaming Content With the LostRemote.com Guys
Unique content now trumps production values when it comes to online video.
Media professionals still put too much emphasis on achieving "broadcast quality"
for online video, when most Web and mobile consumers prefer gorging on anything
but "broadcast content." One need not look further than YouTube to understand
this phenomenon. See examples of online and mobile video content consumers
prefer, what production values they will or won't tolerate, and how best to
drive revenue from streamed content. Learn how you can make better use of your
existing infrastructure to maximize production and minimize costs and share your
own examples and experiences in this lively and interactive session.
C105: HOW TO: High Volume, Rapid Turnaround Video Production
This session will demonstrate the nuts and bolts of capturing, editing, and
compressing 640x480 to 1024x768 video in the studio or on the road for rapid
delivery. Learn how to capture desktop videos without requiring presenters to
install and use special software, capture high-quality audio with minimal
hardware, compress a 1024x768 video to a 300-500Mbs WMV file, and the options
for squeezing video into portable devices while preserving the value of the
Speaker: Louis Broome, Senior Content Producer, Microsoft Office
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Reception in the Exhibit Hall